Thank you! We couldn’t do what we do without your support.
By donating to DVNSW you are part of something important - change. You help amplify our voice, influence key stakeholders, support organisations on the frontline, and share in our vision of a future where women and children live free from violence.
As a registered charity we receive government funding to cover our basic operational costs but there is so much more that we would like to do. The money you generously donate goes straight into action so that we can:
• Provide frontline services, who work with those experiencing domestic and family violence, with the resources, training, development and support they need to do their critical work.
• Work with the media, governments and communities – to address the root causes of domestic violence and makes sure those most in need of help receive the right support.
All donations over $2 are tax-deductible and can be made via credit card. Should you wish to give using direct electronic funds transfer (EFT), please contact to know more.
Thank you for being part of this important work with us.
Working for Change
News & Media